# Inertia

# Introduction

The Inertia.js stack provided by Jetstream uses Vue.js as its templating language. Building an Inertia application is a lot like building a typical Vue application; however, you will use Laravel's router instead of Vue router. Inertia is a small library that allows you to render single-file Vue components from your Laravel backend by providing the name of the component and the data that should be hydrated into that component's "props".

In other words, this stack gives you the full power of Vue.js without the complexity of client-side routing. You get to use the standard Laravel router that you are used to. The Inertia stack is a great choice if you are comfortable with and enjoy using Vue.js as your templating language.

When using Inertia, your application's routes will respond by rendering an Inertia "page". This looks very similar to returning a Laravel Blade view:

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Inertia\Inertia;

 * Show the general profile settings screen.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
 * @return \Inertia\Response
public function show(Request $request)
    return Inertia::render('Profile/Show', [
        'sessions' => $this->sessions($request)->all(),

When using the Inertia stack, Jetstream has some unique features that you should be aware of. We will discuss each of these features below.

Inertia Documentation

Before using the Inertia stack, you are strongly encouraged to review the entire Inertia documentation

# Components

While building the Jetstream Inertia stack, a variety of Vue components (buttons, panels, inputs, modals) were created to assist in creating UI consistency and ease of use. You are free to use or not use these components. All of these components are located within your application's resources/js/Jetstream directory.

You may gain insight into how to use these components by reviewing their usage within Jetstream's existing pages located within your resources/js/Pages directory.

# Form / Validation Helpers

In order to make working with forms and validation errors more convenient, a laravel-jetstream NPM package has been created. This package is automatically installed when using the Jetstream Inertia stack.

This package adds a new form method to the $inertia object that may be accessed via your Vue components. The form method is used to create a new form object that will provide easy access to error messages, as well as conveniences such as resetting the form state on a successful form submission:

data() {
    return {
        form: this.$inertia.form({
            name: this.name,
            email: this.email,
        }, {
            bag: 'updateProfileInformation',
            resetOnSuccess: true,

A form may be submitted using the post, put, or delete methods. All of the data specified during the form's creation will be automatically included in the request. In addition, Inertia request options may also be specified:

this.form.post('/user/profile-information', {
    preserveScroll: true

Form error messages may be access using the form.error method. This method will return the first available error message for the given field:

<jet-input-error :message="form.error('email')" class="mt-2" />

A flattened list of all validation errors may be accessed using the errors method. This method may prove useful when attempting to display the error message in a simple list:

<li v-for="error in form.errors()">
    {{ error }}

Additional information about the form's current state is available via the recentlySuccessful and processing methods. These methods are helpful for dictating disabled or "in progress" UI states:

<jet-action-message :on="form.recentlySuccessful" class="mr-3">

<jet-button :class="{ 'opacity-25': form.processing }" :disabled="form.processing">

To learn more about using Jetstream's Inertia form helpers, you are free to review the Inertia pages created during Jetstream's installation. These pages are located within your application's resources/js/Pages directory.

# Modals

Jetstream's Inertia stack also includes two modal components: DialogModal and ConfirmationModal. The ConfirmationModal may be used when confirming destructive actions such as deletions, while the DialogModal is a more generic modal window that may be used at any time.

To illustrate the use of modals, consider the following modal that confirms a user would like to delete their account:

<jet-confirmation-modal :show="confirmingUserDeletion" @close="confirmingUserDeletion = false">
    <template #title>
        Delete Account

    <template #content>
        Are you sure you want to delete your account? Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted.

    <template #footer>
        <jet-secondary-button @click.native="confirmingUserDeletion = false">

        <jet-danger-button class="ml-2" @click.native="deleteTeam" :class="{ 'opacity-25': form.processing }" :disabled="form.processing">
            Delete Account

As you can see, the modal's open / close state is determined by a show property that is declared on the component. The modal's contents may be specified by hydrating three slots: title, content, and footer.